
EFCCA Patient Talks

COVID-19 psycho-social impact of lockdown in patients with IBD

“How did the IBD patient community cope with the lockdown?”, “Which is the real meaning of isolation for a person living with IBD?”, “What is really back to normal meaning? “Which role did the patient associations play in the lockdown”?

Read time: 2 mins


Coronavirus and IBD Reporting Registry!

Surveillance Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion (SECURE-IBD) is an international, pediatric and adult registry to monitor and report on outcomes of COVID-19 occurring in IBD patients.

Read time: 1 min

EFCCA Patient Talks

COVID-19 and medicines supply: “Are we running out of medicines?”

Will I be able to access my biologics/biosimilars treatment?”, “Will my other IBD medicines be affected by COVID-19?”, “Are costs of my medicines likely to rise?”

Read time: 3 mins

COVID-19, IBD and mental health

One effect of the COVID-19 pandemic which is given less importance in the media coverage is the effect it has on people´s mental health. Fears and worries are normal responses to any real or perceived threat and is not surprising that many people are coping with higher levels of fear and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Besides the fear of becoming infected with the virus other changes due to the lockdowns and restrictions in our daily habits have a significant impact on our mental well-being.

Read time: 3 mins

EFCCA Symposium

EFCCA organised a symposium on “Digital Health and Data: IBD patients´ view and perspectives”  which took place during the ECCO Congress on 14 February 2020 from 14-15h in Vienna, Austria.

This was an unique event bringing together IBD patients, healthcare providers and other stakeholder in order to start discussions on how digital health and big data can contribute in delivering more personalised care and offering a higher quality of life of patients with IBD.

Read time: 2 mins

The Indirect Costs of IBD

New survey on the indirect costs of IBD. The aim of the study is to assess the influence of IBD on the patients productivity at work and relevant costs for society. www.ibdcosts.eu Within the framework of World IBD Day 2019 the European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) is supporting a new study which aims to assess the indirect or invisible costs of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Read time: 2 mins

Surgery in IBD

There are some topics that are hard to discuss, for which people may not want to share their opinions.  Surgery in people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is one of these neglected topics. It is, however, extremely relevant and important to collect information about the perception of surgery, the impact on the quality of life, and worries about it.

The results of this important survey have now been published in the in the Colorectal Disease Journal.

Read time: 1 min