
Open Call for Patient Input – Joint Assessment on a medicinal product for UC.

EUnetHTA deems patient involvement very important in the production of Joint Assessment reports. We recognise that patients and those who support them have unique knowledge about what it is like to live with a specific disease or medical condition. We believe patient groups can help us understand patients’ unique perspectives by collecting and presenting patients’ and carers/care-givers’ views and experiences by engaging with a wide range of patients.

Read time: 1 min

Pouch surgery

"Considering whether to have ileal pouch surgery" is a booklet for ulcerative colitis patients which was recently made in a joint effort between Dr Andrew McCombie, Crohn ́s and Colitis New Zealand (patient with an ileal pouch), Associate Professor Tim Eglinton (Colorectal Surgeon), and Professor Richard Gearry (Gastroenterologist). It is designed to help ulcerative colitis patients better understand and answer these questions on surgically removing their colon (called a “colectomy”).

Read time: 1 min

Pouch surgery

"Considering whether to have ileal pouch surgery" is the title of a booklet for ulcerative colitis patients that was recently made in a joint effort between Andrew MacCombie from Crohn´s and Colitis New Zealand (and patient with an ileal pouch), Associate Professor Tim Eglinton (Colorectal Surgeon), and Professor Richard Gearry (Gastroenterologist). It is designed to help ulcerative colitis patients better understand and answer questions concerning surgically removing their colon (called a “colectomy”).

Read time: 1 min

Report from Nutrition Conference

The report from the ¨Optimal nutritional care for all¨conference is now available for download. The conference was organised by the European Nutrition for Health Alliance’s (ENHA) Optimal nutritional care for all (ONCA) campaign, the Patients Network for Medical Research and Health (EGAN) together with the European Patients Forum (EPF) and the Platform Patients and Food Netherlands , organized a conference for EU patients’ groups to discuss the topic of nutrition. 

Read time: 1 min

BAB Survey

BAB survey

In late 2014 we launched a survey entitled BAB – Biologics and Biosimilars to assess patients knowledge about biosimilars and to find out to what extent patients are aware of the issues involved around biosimilars medicines. The scientific coordinator of the BAB survey is Professor Laurent Peyrin- Biroulet -  from the Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology CHU in Nancy, France.

Read time: 3 mins

The IBD Journey

The video ¨The IBD Journey¨ highlights the need for multi-disciplinary care in treating IBD, from a range of healthcare providers and carers, including doctors, nurses, psychologists and nutritionists.

Read time: 1 min


We launched our Youth Academy addressed to young IBD patients (aged between 18 and 30) with the aim to increase the representativeness of the youth group, create a cohesive group of leaders of tomorrow and to empower young representatives.

The training programme was launched in November 2021 via the EFCCA's online learning platform and was attended by 14 students.

Read time: 3 mins