
Life after IBD diagnosis

For many people, diagnosis with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be an overwhelming and confusing time. Not just for the person with the condition, but also for those who are close to them.

Being able to move forward following a diagnosis is important. People need to have the confidence to know that they can live well with their condition. “My IBD Journey: life after IBD diagnosis” is based on the real-life experiences of people with IBD and provides advice and suggested positive steps people can take as they look to the future.

Read time: 1 min

Transition care in IBD

EFCCA CEO,  Luisa Avedano, participated at the press conference on Paediatric Digestive Health during the UEG Week in Vienna on 17 October 2016. She presented the Transition to Adult Care project that was being implemented by the EFCCA Youth Group and which aimed to better understand the needs of young people with IBD as concerns transitory care.

The press conference was organised following the publication of the UEG´s report on Paediatric Digestive Health Across Europe.

For more information please contact our offices.

Read time: 1 min

Exploring South America

The cold, long winter months often make us dream about escaping to some warmer destination. Here we would like to share a story as posted on the website of our colleagues from Crohn´s and Colitis Australia asking volunteers to share their experiences about travelling with IBD. Please note that this information is not intended to be used as medical advice and you should speak to your health care provider before planning a trip.

Exploring South America

Where did you go?

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Chile).

Read time: 3 mins

Trek to Mount Everest Base Camp

IBD-trek to Mt. Everest Base Camp

For many years I’ve been thinking about doing a trek in the Himalayas, especially the trek to Mt. Everest Base Camp. The year of 2014 should be the year to do it! But I’d never been in Asia before so I had to take my precautions, since we’ve all heard stories about people getting sick because of the food there. I took the following three precautions before leaving Denmark:

1.     Making sure I didn’t have a flare up before I left the country by taking some blood

Read time: 7 mins

My IBD Journey - Russian translation available

We are pleased to announce that four of our My IBD journey video series are now also available in Russian, the fifth video translation will be released for next World IBD Day.

 For many people, diagnosis with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be an overwhelming and confusing time. Therefore the content of the videos reflect the views and perspectives of people with IBD in real life scenarios and the stories are positive and upbeat aimed at giving people confidence that they can live well with IBD.

Read time: 1 min

Educational Forum on Biologics

There are still places available for the educational forum on biologics, to take place on 2 December 2021 from 17 to 19h Central European Time.
This forum on key topics related to biologic medicines as well as on challenges of ensuring optimal disease management for patients amid the COVID-19 pandemic is being organised by the pharmaceutical company CELLTRION.
Read time: 1 min