Coronavirus and IBD Reporting Registry!
Surveillance Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion (SECURE-IBD) is an international, pediatric and adult registry to monitor and report on outcomes of COVID-19 occurring in IBD patients.
As of December 8, 2020, there have been 3,561 COVID-19 cases in IBD patients reported in SECURE-IBD with an increasing number of countries reporting ≥50 cases. This uptrend is concerning and we hope that the vaccine signals light at the end of the tunnel. The SECURE'IBD team is pleased to announce the approval of two excellent applications for ancillary studies using de-identified SECUREIBD data. These include a study on COVID-19 outcomes in Latin America and another to determine the impact of IBD activity on COVID-19 outcomes.
For more information please go to: https://covidibd.org/