On the occasion of World IBD Day, on 19 May 2022 we organised a Purple Talk on “IBD has no age”. It was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness around the issue of IBD in the elderly.
Our discussions included a presentation of the IBD has no age campaign, a presentation from IBD researcher Dr Vera Asscher, Leiden University Medical Center, followed by an in-depth discussion with patient representatives Arne Schatten (former EFCCA board member and former director of LMF, Norway) and Daniel Sundstein (former EFCCA Youth Group Leader and member of CCF, Denmark).
The meeting was moderated by Ciara Drohan, our chairman, and we were very pleased with the interactive discussions with the audience. We highly recommend you to watch the Talk and find out about our work around this topic.
Watch the webinar: https://fb.me/e/1NIQT9VJs
Webinar Programme
5-5.40 PM (CEST):
Opening remarks, Ciara Drohan, EFCCA Vice President
Setting the scene: IBD has no age campaign, Isabella Haaf, EFCCA Deputy Director
Discussions with:
-the Scientific Perspective: Dr Vera Asscher, MD, Leiden University Medical Center
-the Patient Perspective: Arne Schatten (LMF, Norwegian) and Daniel Sundstein (CCF, Denmark)
5.40-6 PM (CEST):
Questions and Answers