EFCCA Magazine 1/2024
We’re excited to share this year's first edition of the EFCCA magazine!
- Read our interview with R. Campanella, as he shares his patient perspective from the 3rd ECCO Council Meeting which gathered national representatives from the patient and ECCO community
- Discover the news from our members, sharing their stories and experiences.
- Take a look at a study shared with...
New survey!!!
What if there was the possibility of predicting and preventing IBD?
Would you accept it? If yes, to what extent?
A survey about perceptions regarding the possibility of prediction and prevention of IBD
Inflammatory Bowel Disease encompasses a set of chronic diseases, which are incurable and have a significant personal and social impact. It mainly affects young adults and can have...
World IBD Day 2024
Join us for World IBD Day 2024!
A Global Movement for Accessible IBD Care
This year the central theme for World IBD Day is "IBD Has No Borders", emphasising the global nature of IBD and the need for collective action. EFCCA organised a Round Table discussion titled "Uniting for access to IBD care" on 17 May 2024 in Mexico City.
Digestive Health Roundtable 2023 Video
We share with you the video made on the occasion of the Digestive Health Roundtable 2023, which took place on 15 October in Copenhagen (during UEG Week).
The colloquium, featuring leading experts in digestive health along with dedicated patient advocates, saw the participation of our chairman, Salvo Leone.
You can watch the video here.
S. Leone was part of the group dedicated to...
Closing of Survey on People with IBD Aged +60
Last days to participate in our survey People with IBD aged 60 and over!!
Our survey is about to come to an end. On 30 November, we will be closing the survey which aims to better understand the challenges faced by people with IBD in this age group as well as how it impacts on their quality of life.
If you are aged 60 or older and have been diagnosed with an IBD, you still have time to...
"Break the taboo": Colitis-Crohn Foreningen Leaflet
We share with you a useful leaflet created and translated to English by Colitis - Crohn Foreningen Denmark, our member in Denmark.
The brochure provides valuable insights into the most common intestinal diseases and offers guidance on what to avoid saying to someone with bowel problems.
EFCCA Magazine 3/2023
Our latest issue of the EFCCA magazine is out!!!
You will find updates on our activities, news from our members and partners, experiences of living with IBD and ongoing medical research.
Happy reading!
World IBD Day 2023
A word from our EFCCA Chairman for World IBD Day 2023.
More information please go to:
Go to our survey on people with IBD aged 60 and over
Message from EFCCA chairman for World IBD Day 2023
A word from our EFCCA Chairman for World IBD Day 2023.
Survey on people with IBD aged 60 and over
This research is being conducted by the European Federation of Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) and the Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC).
The purpose of this research is to get a better understanding of the epidemiology of the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the older population (≥60 years) and its impact on patients’ quality of life (QoL), from both a...