
EFCCA Magazine Issue 2/2017

We proudly present the second issue of the EFCCA Magazine 2017. In this edition you will find a wide range of information about World IBD Day, EFCCA activities, the EFCCA Youth Group, member news and other inspiring stories from partners and IBD activists. Download efccamagazine_2_2017_webRev.pdf


We launched our Youth Academy addressed to young IBD patients (aged between 18 and 30) with the aim to increase the representativeness of the youth group, create a cohesive group of leaders of tomorrow and to empower young representatives. The training programme was launched in November 2021 via the EFCCA's online learning platform and was attended by 14 students. In the...

Added Value of Patient Engagement

Interesting article published by the European Medicine Agency looking into the added value of Patient Engagement.  Click here