ImmUniverse in a nutshell - watch and share our brand-new animated clip! Together, we @ImmUniverse_EU will improve diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients living with #ulcerativecolitis and #atopicdermatitis. See more on
Break the Silence! World IBD Day 2021
This year, for World IBD Day, EFCCA would like to promote the discussion on IBD and wellbeing.
With our awareness raising campaign we want to start a dialogue and discussions on the psychological impact of the disease. Through a social media awareness raising campaign leading up to 19 May we want to show the hidden facts about what it is like to live with IBD. Under the hashtag #...
Expressive Writing Intervention
Do you have IBD (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or indeterminate colitis)? Are you worried about the recent COVID-19 pandemic? Our colleagues from Crohn´s and Colitis Australia are seeking people who would like to test an online expressive writing tool. For more information or to express interest visit:
Sme medzi vami campaign
Our colleagues from the Slovak Crohn Club have launched a new campaign #smemedzivami to show the daily challenge of living with IBD BUT also to show achievements and goals. They will run patient stories and share the latest in IBD science.
For more information please go to:
IBD podcasts
We are happy to share a series of IBD podcast that have been prepared by our colleagues from the Serbian IBD patient association UKUKS together with Stetoskop info. They are subittled in English and deal with a wide range of relevant and interesting topics related to IBD.
You can view them here:
EFCCA Patient Talk: Seasonal vaccines and IBD
EFCCA Patient Talk: Seasonal vaccines and IBD
Watch the event on Youtube:
Friday 27 November 2020, 3-4 pm
Within the framework of our EFCCA Patient Talk series we are pleased to announce our next Patient Talk to take place on Friday 27 November 2020 from 3-4 pm. It will look at the topic of Seasonal vaccines and IBD following a...
Study on Patient Preference
We are sharing information about a study to evaluate patient preferences for treatment goals in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The primary objective of this study is to evaluate and quantify patient preferences for IBD treatments, trading-off between different attributes of efficacy, complications/risks of treatment and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in IBD. This will be a multi-...
ImmUniverse Website Launch
EFCCA is partner in an exciting #Horizon2020 project called ImmUniverse aimed at improving diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients living with #ulcerativecolitis and #atopicdermatitis. Go and check out the freshly launched @IMI_JU #ImmUniverse website! You can now keep yourself up-to-date on all major project developments by visiting #ulcerativecolitis #atopicdermatitis...
Clinical Trials Training
EFCCA Academy 2020 - Training Certified Patient Experts
We are pleased to announce that our new edition of the EFCCA Academy offering specialized training for IBD patients started on November 18th 2020 via the EFCCA online learning platform. This training will focus on Clinical Trials and is composed of 3 modules:
First Module: “...
EFCCA Patient Talks
COVID-19 psycho-social impact of lockdown in patients with IBD
“How did the IBD patient community cope with the lockdown?”, “Which is the real meaning of isolation for a person living with IBD?”, “What is really back to normal meaning? “Which role did the patient associations play in the lockdown”?
These amongst other questions reflect some of the concerns and fears expressed by IBD...