
Horizon Europe - GlycanTrigger

The GlycanTrigger project proposes a thorough and innovative approach to understand better the health-to-chronic inflammation transition occurring in patients with CD that will be translated into improved disease prediction and prevention. The project aims to do so by addressing how changes in glycosylation of the gut mucosa act as a primary event that dysregulates not only local mechanisms (...

Horizon Europe - GENEGUT

The GENEGUT project will transform the treatment of ileal CD by developing a first-in-class oral RNA-based therapy, tackling inflammation locally in the intestinal tissue, while avoiding systemic side effects. Despite advances in new immune modulators and biological treatment, up to 30% of patients become non-responders. Besides, intestinal fibrosis is a significant challenge in Crohn’s...

ECCO GRADE Crohn’s Disease (CD)Treatment Guidelines

The European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation [ECCO] produces and regularly updates several guidelines to provide evidence-based guidance on critical aspects of IBD care to all health care professionals who manage patients with IBD.  Since the initiation of the first project in 2006, the ECCO Guidelines have become standard references for IBD management in Europe and around the world. The...

IBD and Fatigue

Fatigue is an important underecognized clinical problem in patients with IBD and one of the most frequently reported concerns of patients. It affects nearly 50 % of patients in clinical remission and 80% of those with active disease, resulting in a decrease in quality of life and impaired work productivity and functioning. Fatigue is a debilitating, multidimensional and multifactorial...

EFCCA Patient Talks

The global impact of COVID-19 has been overwhelming and without pause, accelerating at lightning speed, changing our lives and our way of seeing the world. In recent months, unfortunately, the philosophy of our organization, which is to create spaces for meeting, for dialogue between the various associations and all the interlocutors. has also had to change. EFCCA has rapidly moved across a...

The Impact of Perianal Fistulae on a Crohn’s Disease Patient’s Quality of Life

Final Results available!   We are excited to share our findings of the survey “The impact of perianal fistula in Crohn’s disease on quality of life” which is being presented virtually at the 16th ECCO Congress (2nd – 3rd and 8th – 10th July, 2021.)  Check out the e-poster with the full results!  Go to Patient_Survey Poster_ECCO2020_0.pdf Go to poster...

Transition from pediatric to adult care

Transitioning through paediatric and into adult care is a critical time for patients and, if not carried out effectively and appropriately, can impact on education, mental health and patient outcomes. It has become clear that this is a major issue for patients, their carers and clinicians and that the transition process within and across Europe urgently needs reform. Within this context, the...