Awareness Raising

Patient Perspectives on Biosimilars

Patient Perspectives on Biosimilars: A Survey by the European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis

July, 2016

The aim of this survey was to find out the patients' perspectives concerning biosimilars. An online survey consisting of 14 questions was made available between November 2014 and October 2015. Only respondents who had heard of biosimilars were asked to respond the final twelve questions.

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IBD and health-related quality of life — Discovering the true impact

IBD and health-related quality of life — Discovering the true impact 

October, 2014

Although inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) significantly impact the patient's quality of life, no European-level data exists on patients’ perspectives. The primary objective of this survey was to obtain an international perspective of the impact of IBD on patients’ lives. Secondary objectives included obtaining a better understanding of the quality of care, access to care, and differences between countries, age groups, and sub-groups of IBD. 

Read time: 1 min

Discover the true effect of anaemia in IBD

As many of us unfortunately know, fatigue is said to be one of the ‘big three’ symptoms of IBD (pain, fatigue, and urgently needing the toilet).

As several important articles note that anaemia may be especially significant in people with IBD, EFCCA, supported by Vifor Pharmaceuticals and A+A Research, carried out a survey to understand:

  • The effects of anaemia in IBD from the patient’s perspective

  • The effect of fatigue on a variety of activities in daily life

  • How healthcare professionals approach and communicate anaemia in IBD

Read time: 3 mins

A European Crohn's and ulcerative colitis patient life IMPACT survey

P406 A European Crohn's and ulcerative colitis patient life IMPACT survey

February, 2012

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) significantly impact the lives of patients. The European Federation of ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Associations (EFCCA) undertook a pan-European patient survey assessing the perspectives of IBD patients about their disease and its impact on their lives, relationships and careers. The project has been supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Abbott.

Read time: 1 min