Running together to raise awareness on IBD
On 18 May 2014 the European Federation of Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) will participate in the Brussels half marathon to raise awareness about Crohn´s Disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD are two serious, chronic digestive diseases which which affect over 3 million people in Europe. IBD can be kept under control with medication, but despite extensive research there is currently no known cause or cure for IBD.
A small committed team of 15 runners representing 11 IBD patient associations from Belgium, Bulgaria,Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain will face the challenging run of 20 km through the city centre of Brussels which will start at 10 am on the 18 May. “We want to show the world that having a chronic disease does not mean you cannot participate in an active and fulfilling life “ says Martin Kojinkov, one of the EFCCA runners and member of the EFCCA Executive Board.
With this event EFCCA wants to highlight the impact IBD is having on the quality of life of many people in Europe and worldwide. A survey EFCCA conducted in 16 European countries, illustrates the daily difficulties that people with IBD are facing not only as far as concerns their health but also their social, intimate and economic situations. New results from the IMPACT study will be presented during World IBD Day and will be available on the EFCCA website.
The event in Brussels forms part of other worldwide activities that are being undertaken by IBD sister associations from four continents to mark World IBD Day (official date on 19 May).
Date of issue: 2014-05-10