Brussels, 19 May 2011
The sky is cloudy but weather forecasts are not very bad… fingers crossed.
9.45 AM – Marco Greco, Isabella Haaf and myself enter the Berlaymont building a little bit excited.
At 10.00 AM - Mrs Darmanin the head of the Cabinet of the Commissioner on Health and Consumers’ protection, Mr Dalli, is waiting for us.
It is the first time that EFCCA has the chance of presenting its mission and goals. More than one hour meeting: a very productive one, the agreement of seeking for stronger collaboration and the promise of visiting us in autumn.
But today is the first time for many other events.
In Schuman Roundabout just in front of the EU buildings from 11.00 a crowd of people is working hard. A white podium is assembled, Greg, the street performer is making up… A table is set. Leaflets, banner, a huge wall of toilet paper…(a thousand rolls!).
12.00 AM the FIRST WORLD IBD DAY is officially open. Raising awareness, being more visible,explaining passers-by who we are and what we are aiming at. Journalists and a couple of local television. Lot of solidarity and curiosity. 30 delegates from all over Europe ready to explain in all European languages.
A great atmosphere, a concrete result for people with IBD all over Europe… in connection with the rest of the world. Great day!
5.00 PM the EFCCA office is ready to welcome delegates and guests.: another brick in the wall of our organisation. A positive atmosphere and a strong sense of belonging.This is our first year! 2012 EFCCA will be the reference points for all the other sister organisations all over the world. And it will be another big challenge but we are sure that it will be a success as we all know that, once again UNITED WE STAND.
Special thanks to the Belgian associations for their strong friendship and support!
Special thanks to the EFCCA Board, all delegates and friends
Special thanks to Greg (our magic performer), to Tim (the podium architect) and to Bernard (the vandriver)
Special thanks to QeC-ERAN (LUDEN) colleagues upstairs for their patience and solidarity
Special thanks to Abbott and Kimberly Clark
No more words, but hugs and kisses to Isabella and Delia!
Luisa Avedano, EFCCA CEO
Date of issue: 2011-05-19