“Equal Rights for Citizens with IBD” was the main message emerging from the conference organized by EFCCA in cooperation with the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) and United European Gastroenterologists (UEG) which took place in the European Parliament on 17 October.
The conference saw a huge participation of over 70 delegates including representatives from the EFCCA national IBD associations, representatives from other European networks dealing with patients’ concerns (European Patient Forum, AGORA, etc), EU officials and representatives from the medical professions.
Both the host of the event, MEP Cofferati as well as Vice President of the European Parliament, MEP Miguel Angel Martinez together with a considerable number of other MEPs showed their strong support for better integrating the rights of people living with IBD. The message of solidarity and cooperation was also echoed by the three organisation organising the event (EFCCA, ECCO and UEG) who called for actions to ensure equal access not only to better treatment option and health care services but also to education and the labour market.
Conference material:
EU law against disability discrimination, Alvaro Oliveira, European Commission, DG Justice
Health care and research, Simon Travis, ECCO President
What can the EU and the UEG contribute, R. Stockbrügger, UEG
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (EADSNE), Mary Kyriazopoulou
Presentation youth and education panel, Maurio Vecchi, University of Milan
Link to stream of the event: