Our latest EFCCA Patient Talk "(IBD) Families First" took place on 30 June 2021 from 5 - 6 PM.
NEW: Link to register to the focus group of this project: https://redcap.link/IBD_families
Families First is a global survey aimed at 1st degree relatives of IBD patients on preferences and fears for prediction & prevention interventions.
1st degree relatives of IBD patients are the population at higher risk of developing IBD. Risk can be further assessed by using prediction models (blood, stool, endoscopic, imaging tests). As global IBD prevalence is rising we need to improve treatment and search for a cure while improving PREDICTION and PREVENTION of new cases. Join two members of the study research team to find out more and to give you input.
Watch the power point presentation: IBD FAMILIES FIRST EFCCA .pdf
Watch the event on https://www.facebook.com/efccaSocialMedia
When: 30 June 2021, 5- 6 PM Central European TIme.
Joan Torres, PhD and Catarina Fidalgo, MD from the Hospital Beatriz Angelo (Portugal(.