EFCCA together with its 36 IBD patient associations, worldwide IBD sister organisations and supporters raised IBD awareness on 19 May by highlighting famous landmarks in the colour of purple alongside the organisation of local events. The theme for this year was "Making the invisible visible" which is about showing different aspects about IBD that are not "visible" to the public.
To download social media graphics for this campaign please follow the links:
Within the framework of this theme EFCCA supports the European survey on the Indirect costs of IBD as we want to make visible the impact IBD has on the patients´ productivity at work and other relevant costs for society. We plan to present the findings of the survey at a European policy event towards the second half of this year.
For more infomation about the Indirect costs of IBD survey please click here
For more information about the global campaign please visit: www.worldibdday.org
Event date:
May, 2019