A Patient´s Guide to Nutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
A Patient's Guide to Nutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease is written by Prof. Darija Vranešić Bender, clinical nutritionist and Prof. Željko Krznarić, gastroenterologist and hepatologist, experts from University Hospital Zagreb, Croatia. The Guide is a result of long collaboration between the Referral center for IBD at the University Hospital Zagreb, Department of gastroenterology and...
Open Your Mind
Open Your Mind! the name of a game developed by our colleagues from Crohn & Colitis NL to talk with your family, friends, doctors, colleagues etc in an innovative way about IBD.
This is an excellent idea and the game that was well appreciated by our EFCCA delegates who found out about it during our General Assembly in Barclona (2022) and also had a chance to also play it
IBD patients in Ukraine
Our colleagues from the Ukrainian IBD patient association ¨Fulfilling Life" have prepared this important survey on the current situation of IBD patients affected by the war in Ukraine.
The survey gives an overview of the immediate effects, medical care during the war as well as other urgent aspects.
IBD has no age - World IBD Day 2022
This year, for World IBD Day 2022, EFCCA would like to raise awareness about the impact IBD has on elderly people. Under the slogan IBD has no age we want to put the focus on elderly people (60 plus) and see how living with Crohn´s disease and Ulcerative Colitis (collectively known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease) is impacting on their quality of life and care.
Why a...
World IBD Day 2022 - Purple Talk - IBD has no age
On the occasion of World IBD Day, on 19 May 2022 we organised a Purple Talk on “IBD has no age”. It was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness around the issue of IBD in the elderly.
Our discussions included a presentation of the IBD has no age campaign, a presentation from IBD researcher Dr Vera Asscher, Leiden University Medical Center, followed by an in-...
World IBD Day 2013
This month on 19 May World IBD Day is marked in many countries worldwide.
Please check out the World IBD Day website to learn more about and support some of the activities that EFCCA and other other sister organisations from around the globe are organising to raise awareness and to highlight what it means to live with IBD.
World IBD Day website at
World Symposium – 18 October 2012, Brussels
World Symposium on IBD Research funded by IBD patients associations
Global alliance against IBD
On 18 October 2012, the European Federation of Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) met in Brussels with worldwide patient associations for the first ever World Symposium on IBD research funded or promoted by IBD patients' associations.
Short summary of the Join the Fight Press conference
Watch the video
Date of issue: 2013-03-11
White Book on IBD Research funded or promoted by IBD patient associations
This White Book on IBD Research funded or promoted by IBD patient associations was presented at the World Symposium – 18 October 2012, Brussels . The White Book aims to become a handbook and reference that IBD patient associations can use for getting new ideas in developing research-support strategies.
Date of issue: 2012-10-18
Symptom Tracker
After the initial testing phase, this new tool to support patients with Ulcerative Colitis in keeping track of daily changes and improvements with the disease is finally available. If you would like to use the tool, register on the homepage and let us know your impressions.
Please check out the tool at:
Any feedback please send to Isabella Haaf...