
Join the fight against IBD Presentation Video

Watch the Join the fight against IBD Presentation Video   Date of issue: 2012-03-02  

IPODD ... EU research project on IBD

The EU project IPODD takes a pragmatic approach to IBDs by focusing on the final stages of gut damage. Sergio Pistoi, IPODD Public Information Officer* If criminals were behind inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), it would be a band of terrorists, not lonely felons. Dozens of predisposing genes, the immune system and maybe tens of other unknown factors conspire to determine IBDs. There is no...

Artificial Nutrition

PACIFHAN assists people travelling with Home Artificial Nutrition “To travel is to live” Hans Christian Andersen Imagine having a complex medical condition and treatment that enables you to live but, when it comes to travelling could pose problems if you find yourself in a medical situation unable to converse in the local language. PACIFHAN is the International Alliance of Patient...

"IBD and Me" Teenage Transition Website

‘IBD and Me’ Teenage Transition Website The transition from paediatric to adult care for young people living with IBD is ideally a staged process where young adults are gradually integrated into adult care. Viewing this transition as only an isolated ‘event’ can mean that young people reach adult services not possessing the skills required to self-manage their condition, and run the risk of...

MEPs propose ways to make medicines more affordable

New medicine prices in the EU have risen over the past few decades, to the point of being unaffordable for many EU citizens and threatening the sustainability of national health care systems.  To strike a better balance between EU countries’ public health interests and those of the pharmaceutical industry, it calls for measures to improve the traceability of R&D costs, public funding...

Patient Advocacy and Safety Conference

On 15th November 2016, more than 70 patient advocates and physicians from across the European Union attended the Patient Advocacy and Safety conference at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.  The aim of the conference was to explore the topic of biologics and biosimilars and how different policies and practices across Europe impact on patients. Patient advocates raised concerns...

What you need to know about biosimilar medicines

The European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, have published  6 new language versions of the patient information document "What you need to know about biosimilar medicines", so that patients now have access to unbiased and reliable information in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. The information...

"From Health System Sustainability To Promoting Inclusive Growth" - Conference Report

The Lithuanian Health Forum Conference held in Vilnius was organised to consolidate and address the policies, goals, and objectives of the Vilnius Declaration’s “Sustainable Health Systems for Inclusive Growth”, which was developed and circulated internationally during the 2013 European Council Presidency. Hosted by the Lithuanian Parliament, the conference on the 5th of September addressed...

Biosimilars and Biologics

BAB - Biologics & Biosimilars Survey The European Federation of Crohn´s and Colitis Associations (EFCCA) invites you to participate in this important survey on Biosimilars. The purpose of the survey is to assess patients´ knowledge about biosimilars and to find out to what extent patients are aware of the issues involved around biosimilars medicines. The results of the...


The 26th Annual General Meeting of EFCCA took place in Brussels from 27-28 May 2016. It gathered over 40 delegates for one and a half days of busy work and exchange of information. In addition to the dealing with the institutional work and activities, delegates of the GA also listened to a presentation made by Marek Lichota from Apetitie for Life about artificial nutrition, a subject of...