

The EFCCA Annual General Meeting took place in Prague from 24-26 May 2019 bringing together nearly 60 delegates from 31 patient associations. The event was hosted by our colleagues from Pacienti IBD (Czech Republic). In the coming days we will make available several of the presentations and other materialdn of the GA.

View Public Presentations: 

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EFCCA Symposium: Digital Health and Data Collection

EFCCA organised a symposium on “Digital Health and Data: IBD patients´ view and perspectives”  which took place during the ECCO Congress on 14 February 2020 from 14-15h in Vienna, Austria.

This was an unique event bringing together IBD patients, healthcare providers and other stakeholder in order to start discussions on how digital health and big data can contribute in delivering more personalised care and offering a higher quality of life of patients with IBD.

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The 26th Annual General Meeting of EFCCA took place in Brussels from 27-28 May 2016. It gathered over 40 delegates for one and a half days of busy work and exchange of information. In addition to the dealing with the institutional work and activities, delegates of the GA also listened to a presentation made by Marek Lichota from Apetitie for Life about artificial nutrition, a subject of particular interest for people with IBD.  The presentation was followed by a lively debate and exchange of ideas.

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Join the fight against IBD press conference

The European Federation of Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) and the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) have initiated the public awareness campaign “Join the fight against IBD”. Its aim is to enhance the general understanding of the physical and socio-economic burdens of the disease and to accelerate the dissemination of new standards of care of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) among health institutions, healthcare providers. 

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