


World IBD Day 2025: IBD Has No Borders: Breaking Taboos, Talking About It

Building on last year’s theme, “IBD Has No Borders,” we will continue our journey into 2025, focusing on : “IBD Has No Borders: Breaking Taboos, Talking About It.”   ...

EFCCA Conference at ECCO Congress 2025 in Berlin

On 20 February 2025, at the 20th ECCO Congress in Berlin, we hosted our conference: "What do IBD patients find important in their treatment? Results from a global Patient Preference survey."

New European Research Project “PerPrev-CID”

Aiming to revolutionise personalised prevention and early treatment in chronic inflammatory diseases (CIDs), the PerPrev-CID project focuses on advancing risk prediction, early detection of disease progression, and innovative preventive approaches in...

EFCCA Talk: "Living with Fibrosis: Challenges, Treatments and Innovations"

EFCCA brought together top researchers, industry experts and patient advocates for a webinar on intestinal fibrosis in IBD

EFCCA Magazine 1/2025

The latest edition of EFCCA Magazine is here, packed with updates on what EFCCA has been working on over the past months, insights from our member associations, and an article by Professor Claudio Fiocchi...

EFCCA Talk: IUS - Intestinal Ultrasound, a Promising Alternative to Endoscopy?

This non-invasive technique is emerging as a valuable tool for diagnosis, treatment, and disease monitoring in IBD patients.

Stay connected: Follow us on Instagram!

As we embark on a new year, our communication team has been working behind the scenes to bring you closer to the EFCCA community.

Patients Participation in HTA: Final Report Released

Following the success of our HTA conference at UEGW last October, EFCCA is pleased to share the final report from a two-round consultation with stakeholders and experts.

INTERCEPT: Pioneering the future of Crohn’s disease prevention

EFCCA is proud to partner in the innovative INTERCEPT IHI project, which aims to revolutionise the approach to Crohn’s dvisease by focusing on prevention and early intervention.

Empowering Patient Voices in Health Technology Assessment: EFCCA's Conference at UEG Week 2024

On 12 October 2024, EFCCA organised a conference during UEG Week  (Vienna) titled: "How can patients play a crucial role in medicines-related decision-making? An open dialogue with stakeholders and the presentation of the EFCCA...